Join Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) on YouTube to hear Brian Van Essen (led by Sam Ade Jacobs) work on COVID-19 Drug Design, at SuperComputing2020!
This summer, instead of working at a traditional hospital or store pharmacy internship, five Butler University Doctor of Pharmacy students delved into the world of data science and machine learning under the mentorship of experts from the ATOM consortium.
One of the projects I’m involved with has a goal of optimizing preclinical safety predictions so we can incorporate predictive toxicology and computational modelling early in the drug discovery process…
Neha Murad, Ph.D., is a Biomathematician and a Postdoctoral Researcher at ATOM. Neha has a keen interest in the biomedical applications of mathematics and…
One of our goals at ATOM is to optimize preclinical safety predictions in silico, so we can incorporate predictive toxicology early in the drug discovery process…
Amanda Minnich, Ph.D., ATOM Data Scientist, is spearheading the ATOM Data Driven Modeling (DDM) Integrated Project Team, and has led the development of our automated DDM pipeline...
As ATOM gears up to implement its Year-2 goals, Jim Brase, M.S., ATOM co-lead of technology addressed the delegates at the ATOM 1-Year Anniversary event…